Hanno Rink - painter
Narrative Realism
Narrrative Realism - each picture tells a story
The work of Hanno Rink is Narrative Realism. In this, the abstract image becomes a highly tangible object thanks to the use of highly realistic painting. Rink exemplifies this with images of architecture and painting. He uses the picture space as a stage. He treats architecture as a discipline of painting.
His paintings often give the impression of being places about where stories have been told. With other pictures, he creates a space that challenges the spectators viewing habits and helps them to re-perceive. He creates spaces and events on a flat wall. The viewer of his pictures is mostly a spectator, situated sometimes both inside and outside the picture.
The painter reflects and comments on the passage of time, deliberately moving in socio-political and artistic“grey zones”. He paints without “illusions” or “visions”, his pictures are rather investigating and exploring the boundaries of the possible and the impossible.

Title: The Painter's home office
Date: 2020
Dimensions: 50 x 70 cm
Acryl on canvas